Get Naked with your Money Past

Just take it off!

Don’t you feel so much more relaxed and comfortable without clothes on?  It is freeing to let go of skinny jeans, ties, cumbersome belts, and itchy bras.  When you get that private moment to just shed everything, you relax in places you didn’t know were pent up and, you get some fresh air and cool off.  This is the time to let it all hang out, no one will judge you, no one is looking.  You get to be free.

 Getting naked with your money will require you to shed the extra clothing that you hide behind.  We make ourselves look good with great clothes, new rides, and professional jobs.  Meanwhile, we hide behind the truth of who we really are.  If we’re being honest, the truth is ugly.  Our past isn’t always a pretty sight. Maybe you need to face a few unpleasant times in your life.  At some point, we’ve all wished that Groundhog Day would give us a do over for real.

I’m going to ask you to be courageous here; let go of the armor that hides imperfections, and just be your true self.  Then accept these imperfections so they don’t continue to cause shame, guilt, and remorse.  You are capable of taking this important step, and you are ready.

Take a look at your past childhood experiences with money, so you can uncover what lies beneath the surface – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Whether you know it or not, you are a product of your money past.  You make decisions today, based on what happened in the past.  Your fears around money are rooted in what you witnessed as a child.  Even the tiniest fragment of a conversation from many years ago, can shape how we think, feel, and ultimately, the actions we take.

It’s time to go deeper, gain clarity, and break free of any chains that hold you back.  You don’t have to be a prisoner of your past any longer.  Once you understand the money beliefs that are holding you back, you can proactively make changes today that will affect your money future.

  1. What were you taught about money? 

  2. How did your parents behave with money?

  3. What do you wish you knew as a child about managing money? 

  4. What is the most challenging financial experience you have faced? 

To your success!

Ericka Young


Get Clear About Your Money Present


Don't sit in your own s#!%!