Don't sit in your own s#!%!

I’m not sure where

I’ve heard this before, but it is so relatable. If you know where this quote came from, please let me know.

“Babies like to sit in their own s#!%. They say it’s warm and it’s mine.”

Don’t allow this to be you. Many times, we will avoid change like the plague. Change requires something of us that we don’t want to give.  We prefer to feel comfortable even if something about it really stinks, like debt.  Likely, we must grow, adjust, and do things differently than before. This isn’t easy, but what if our precious babies never learned how to use the bathroom on their own? We’d be walking around wearing masks for a completely different reason right now!

Achieving your financial goals will require something of you. This could include facing past money decisions, living on a budget, or stopping the use of credit cards. And it will be uncomfortable. It will take time.  It involves being vulnerable.  Courage is required to tackle all of these potential areas of resistance.

Focus on the end result.  Consider what it will feel like to accomplish your goals. Dream about the future you can create when the debt payments are gone.  Imagine how you can change your family tree if money isn’t a disrupter in your life.  

Here are a few “money training” (not potty training) tips that will help you overcome the resistance of necessary change:

  1. Enlist a friend or spouse as an accountability partner. Everyone needs to conquer money goals. Do it together!

  2. Schedule a money meeting. This can be alone or with a partner. Establish what you will talk about or the tasks you need to complete. Be intentional.

  3. Create a safe space. Light a candle, put on uplifting music, have a glass of wine or eat a piece of chocolate. Do what you need to do that will get you in a good mood. Set yourself up for success!

  4. Reflect on how you feel now that the task is completed. Give yourself a pat on the back. You did it, now keep moving forward.

  5. Repeat!

No matter what change you need to experience remember that you are capable of achieving it.  You have embraced other forms of change and you can do it again.  Utilize the tools you’ve employed in the past to do something new in your finances.

Need some help?  Set up a time to talk with me.  I’d love to help!

To your success!

Ericka Young


Get Naked with your Money Past


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