Get Clear About Your Money Present

Have you ever

you ever gotten dressed in the dark and thought you looked nice, only to discover the horrible mess you put together once out in public?   When those lights come on – you can’t help but notice your hair is a “hot mess”, it’s really time to hit the gym, or you have two different colored shoes on.  And, yes, that has happened more than once to a few friends of mine!

Sometimes, we don’t know what our blind spots are until someone else reveals them to us.  That is what this reality check is designed to do.  Your financial reality check is like looking in the mirror with the bright lights on.  It shows you exactly where you are and what your financial life is projecting.

Face today’s money situation with clarity.  It is time to see everything for what it is and not sugarcoat it.  We like to make our finances look pretty.  We move credit card debt to home equity lines of credit so that we get a tax break, we tell ourselves that student loans are “good debt”, and we use credit cards for the points and say it is a good deal.

It’s time to face the facts, and turn the lights ON!  Debt is debt, and you must add it up so you can get rid of it all.  The amount of cash you have on hand is real, and you need to know how much you have.  There will be a day when you no longer want to work, and you need to save some money so you can retire.

Start by taking the Reality Check Checklist.

  1. Add up your monthly spending by category.

  2. Calculate your current net worth. (Assets Minus Debts)

  3. Check your official credit report and score.

By facing your money situation, you are one step closer to your financial future! If you ever need help getting started, feel free to schedule a free call with me.

To your success!

Ericka Young


It's time to dream again!


Get Naked with your Money Past