5 Ways to Spice Up Your Financial Romance

Today is the day of LOVE!

We find all kinds of ways to express our love, affection, and devotion to those closest to us.  It is also a day that could add pressure to any relationship because you feel like you “have to” do something or someone is going to get mad… nobody wants that! 

Well, allow this email to let you off the hook just a bit.  You don’t have to read it today if you don’t want to.  You don’t have to take my recommendations although that would be unfortunate.  And I won’t think of you any less if you don’t send me chocolates… :)

I do however want to give you one way to show your significant other that you love them.

Send them a love note. Specifically, send them a “financial love note.”  These financial love notes are expressions of affection around money matters.  This can come in several forms so I will share just a few here.

Talking about money can be stressful, vulnerable, and confusing.  I’m going to give you a few ways to talk about money that will lead to more romance.  Everybody wants that!

#1: Listen. Giving the gift of listening to your other half’s needs, wants, and desires is gold.  Even if you don’t have the cash to make it all happen right now, being heard puts tokens in the love bank.

#2: Reinforce teamwork. Avoid pointing fingers or only thinking of your own needs. Use us/we versus you/I language.

#3: Schedule regular budget meetings to discuss goals, plans, adjustments, etc. This may be only 15 minutes per week but it will show you that you value how the money is managed.

#4: Build fun into the budget!  Include special days like Valentine’s Day, birthdays, holidays, and “just because” money. 

#5: Dream again. Take some quality time and share your thoughts about the future together. Imagine what life could look like if you reached your financial goals. Create vision boards that solidify what you want.  Then create a written plan to get there.

Think about how much stronger your relationship will be if you employ just one of these ideas. Today is not the day for a budget meeting though.  Save that for later in the week.  

For now, enjoy your day. Have a little fun.  And enjoy your chocolate.  I know I will!

If you need help getting started, reach out to me.  I’d love to help!

To your success!

Ericka Young


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