I danced with John Legend and other 2018 Highlights!


Yes, you read that right! I really did dance with THE Legend! My friend Renee and I decided at the last minute (4:30pm) to buy tickets to see John Legend in concert that evening. People sell discounted tickets on www.StubHub.com when they can’t attend an event they’ve already paid for. This time we benefited by purchasing 3rd row seats for HALF PRICE! For those of you who don’t know I LOVE to dance. So, when John Legend asked for a dance partner during his song “Slow Dance” I wildly waved my hands in the air to be noticed. I didn’t believe in a million years that I’d be chosen but when he said, “The lady in the purple shirt” I jumped out of my row at lightning speed to find a way on that stage! It was a once in a lifetime moment to dance with one of my favorite artists on stage and be a star for 2 minutes!! Check out the video on my Facebook page here…

Dancing with John Legend is one of the reasons you know it won’t be boring to work with me! I know how to have a good time and I want you to have a good time too! The process of getting out of debt, saving money, and gaining control over your money can be FUN! Many people believe that budgeting is tedious, nerve wracking, and just plain boring. My hope is that you enjoy the process. I don’t believe in deprivation or strict budgets. I do however want you to gain control and have some fun as you do it. It is possible.

In my business my clients are the real stars. This year they have crushed debt, relieved stress from their lives, and began to save money for the 1st time. I’m so proud to have witnessed so many transformations. I’m going to share just a few of the wins my clients have experienced in 2018.

  • A single mom paid off her $16,000 car allowing her to save for emergencies and retirement.

  • One couple nearly doubled their income AND saved over $50,000 for taxes, home improvements, and funds for a necessary refinance.

  • A mom paid off $32,000 in debt freeing up cash to create a special needs trust for her daughter.

  • One couple paid off $23,000 in credit card debt.

  • A couple refinanced their student loans freeing up over $500 each month that can go towards paying off their debt faster.

  • One couple settled 2 old debts totaling $20,000 for $4,000 and paid off another $6,000 in debt.

  • A family took the trip of a lifetime to Europe and didn’t come home with lingering debt.

  • A couple paid off $20,000 in credit card debt which freed up funds in their budget.

  • A single woman got out of her timeshare agreement and freed up $500 each month in cash flow.

  • One couple paid for their $36,000 wedding in cash and moved into a new home together without adding new debt.

  • A couple paid off over $12,000 in high interest debt.

These are just a few of the wins my clients experience when they get on a plan. You are the true heroes of your story. I am the guide, cheerleader, and coach that helps lead the way to these kinds of results. You can do this too!

Over the next few weeks you will likely be spending time with family, enjoying the holidays, and hopefully relaxing. This is a great time to reflect and think about what you want for the next year. You could be my next success stories for 2019. Take a moment to schedule a 30-minute conversation with me to find out what is possible. I’d love to help you on your journey to freedom too!


Could you handle 30 days without pay?


I didn’t spend any money on Black Friday!