It's a Love-Haiti Relationship



My family and I just returned from our long-awaited mission trip to Haiti. We spent months planning and sorting through every single detail (and there are lots!) to make the trip a reality. Now that we're back, everyone keeps asking us how it was so I thought I would share just a few insights here.First, it is difficult to say "We had a great time." We were there for a purpose and that purpose was not vacation. Did we meet great people? Yes. Did we do great things? Yes. Did we have some fun? Yes. But our purpose was to help those in need and share a ministry with them. Oddly enough, "a great time" just doesn't seem to be the right phrase.

Secondly, our trip gave me a whole new perspective on what scarcity and crisis really is. In truth, it's been challenging to reconcile what we saw and experienced there with our very comfortable lives here at home in the states.

Lastly, I have a new level of gratitude. Beyond my new perspective on "enough" I am grateful for so much more and at a deeper level than I was before we left. It was an amazing experience to have with my family and one that I will definitely not forget.

I am still processing everything that happened but the experience was so profound and I do have more to share. I invite you to join me on Wednesday July 9th from 7-8pm EST for a special webinar where I will share our experience in depth. I encourage you to register at today and allow me to share and help all of us take this experience back into our own lives to make a shift for the better.

I look forward to seeing you there!



10 Reasons You Need a Financial Coach - Part 1


Love and Money: Ericka appears on the Dr. Love Radio Show