This Could Be You In 2022!

For nearly 17 years I have been helping families conquer their financial goals. It gives me great pleasure to see light bulbs click on, dreams come within reach and debt gets crushed!  I can’t imagine doing anything else quite honestly.  No, my work isn’t all roses and rainbows, but the rewards are immense.

For the last several years I’ve taken some time to review the progress of my clients at the end of December.  These are just a few of the things my clients have accomplished. I want you to get inspired and find your story among the ones that follow.

  • One couple paid off their last credit card debt and paid cash for new windows for their home.

  • Another couple paid off $37k in debt and moved to a new place.

  • One of my long-time clients purchased a vacation home and renovated it with CASH!

  • A client with a small business paid off several years of tax debt freeing them up to purchase new equipment with cash! 

  • One enterprising couple paid off over $50k in student loan debt and is pretty close to paying the entire balance off!

  • Several of my clients moved across the country to find new jobs or create new experiences.

  • A single woman retired and will be able to enjoy traveling in her retirement.

  • One family paid off nearly $50k in debt and improved their cash position by $70k overall.

  • One couple paid off their vehicle, some land they now OWN and is preparing to build their next home.

  • Another couple paid off their credit card debt and saved for their February home birth. Exciting!

  • A single woman refinanced her home, paid off over $13k in debt, and reduced her monthly out-of-pocket expenses by $450. She’s in a much better position to retire now.

  • One couple paid off their vehicle and is working on building their emergency fund.

  • A single woman saved up over $50k towards her emergency fund which made her much more prepared for the unexpected layoff.

  • A single man paid off over $30k in debt giving him the opportunity to prepare for a home purchase.

I also worked with 15 young ladies in a college scholarship program. We worked on budgeting and debt avoidance principles. Most of them will be able to graduate college with no debt and money in the bank!

This could be YOU in 2022!  Are you ready? Do you have a game plan? Now is the time to get in gear. Your future is waiting for you to show up and win with money. No, the journey won’t be easy.  No, you won’t need to budget perfectly every month (btw… that is nearly impossible!). But you will be required to get in the game.  I can coach you to a winning future.  If you are in, let’s talk… schedule a time to chat here.  Let’s make 2022 your best year yet!

-Ericka Young



My Not-So-Secret Goal Setting Routine


12 Days of Savings