Start Your Year Right!

Welcome to 2016! Are you excited for a new year?  I know that I am.  A new year gives us each a new chance to start fresh.  You can look at it as an opportunity to have 365 (or 366 in the case of a leap year) new chances to make your life better.

I have really enjoyed taking some time off for the holidays.  I love spending time with my family and it really gives me a chance to re-energize myself for the work I so love to do.  But now it’s time to get back to business.  We all have things that we want to accomplish.  You may call them resolutions or goals or a life to-do list.  Whatever it is, I’m here to make sure that you start right so you can finish right.  Here are my best three tips to starting off your year strong and kicking it into (HIGH) gear!

1.    Write your goals down.  If you didn’t get my free goals sheet at the end of the year, you can click here to download it.  This is a great tool to make sure that you don’t just have goals in your head but that you put some concrete decisions about how to make them happen.
2.    Share your goals with a partner.  If you have a coach, let them know what you are working towards.  If not, share your goals with a friend or mentor – with someone that will support you and cheer for you but also keep you accountable. 
3.    Celebrate your achievements. When you reach milestones, celebrate your progress.  It doesn’t have to be costly or extravagant but do something to say “Good Job” to yourself.  This reward will play an important role in your overall success.

These are my top three ways to kick this year into high gear.  I hope you’ll join me over on Facebook and share your goals for this year or better yet, email me to let me know how I can help support you in achieving them!




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