Make a Way Where There is No Way

Do you find yourself saying the words, "I can't afford it", “It costs too much” or “I don’t have enough”? If you do, I want to challenge you to think about each purchase you make differently. The concept of affording it translates into a belief that there isn't enough ever.  Here’s the deal.  It's not about how much you have but what you do with what you have.  Most of the time, you already have everything you need to take care of your life’s needs.  The question then becomes: Are you really taking care of what you NEED to do?
"I can't afford it" is a place of lack - a scarcity mentality.  It is time to shift.  Begin to ask yourself "How can I make this happen?"… especially if the outcome is something you really desire like getting debt-free.  Here are three thoughts I want you to consider:
1. When you determine your priorities you will make a way even when there seems to be no way. Take some time and map out what your priorities are.  When you work from a list ranked by priorities, you'll have a different perspective than when you work from a list ordered by cost.
2. Urgency defines capacity.  Have you ever noticed that when you "Had" to have something that you found a way. Our kids are a great example. Their priorities come first and we always find a way to give them the world. You're able to come up with the money or the time to make something happen. It's human nature.  To make sure your needs are being met, place urgency where it belongs (going back to your priorities) and you'll have the capacity to ensure those needs are met.
3. Staying right where you are will keep giving you exactly what you have. Ask yourself if you want more of the same. Most of the time the answer is 'no' so you need to make changes.  It's ok if you aren't sure how to make those changes for yourself.  Coaching might be just what you need to figure out how to make the right changes so that you can create the future you desire - one that is different from the present you are experiencing.
The next time a thought like "I can't afford it", “It costs too much” or “I don’t have enough” comes to mind do the following.   Stop the thought.  Review your priorities.  Then find a way to keep those important things at the top of your list.  You will accomplish more with meaning. 
You don’t have to do this alone.  Let’s chat if you feel like your priorities are out of whack.  Schedule a 30 minute debt-free strategy session with me to discuss your situation further.



Don't Let Life Derail You


Money is a Lion