What are you waiting for?

Last week, my mother, sister and I went to New York City to celebrate my sister’s birthday.  It had been 8 years since we did anything like that.  The three of us painted the town!  We went to a Broadway musical, Wicked (amazing!).  We toured the Apollo Theatre.  We took the ferry to see the Statute of Liberty and caught jaw dropping views of the entire city from the Empire State Building.  We even sat in the audience of talk shows taped in NY and excitedly participated in the Today Show outdoor fan experience.  This was a trip of a lifetime!  We all got along.  We paid our own way.  We even laughed hysterically when things didn’t quite go as planned.This trip made me wonder how many people don’t get to live out their dreams because of debt or other financial obligations.  Is life passing you by because you haven’t gotten control of your finances?  Do you feel like you can’t breathe let alone take your family on a vacation someday?

This also reminded me of when I cut my hair a few months ago.  Yes… it’s short!  For the last few years I thought I’d wait until I was 40 to cut my hair.  As if 40 was some magical year when everything “grown up” should occur.  Then I thought, why does 40 get all the fun?  I’m cutting my hair now!  Then, if I like it I can enjoy the style for longer and or maybe find another one by the time 40 rolls around.

I ask you now.  What are you waiting for? What thoughts, beliefs, patterns of behavior, etc are holding you back from living the life you truly desire to live?  Don’t wait until you retire to take the trip of a lifetime.  Go now while you can enjoy it!  Don’t wait until you lose all the weight you want to go shopping for something new.  Do it now so you don’t look like a bum while you are getting smaller.  Don’t wait for some magical time to live your life.  Live it now!  If your finances present challenges for living out your dreams, then get about moving those mountains out of the way with a good debt-free strategy.  I can help you with that.  Schedule a Debt-Free Strategy Session here.

Now is the time to live.  You’ve heard it said “Life is too short”.  Well no matter how long I have, I purpose to use each moment to its fullest.  Will you join me?


Don't Wait Until the Last Minute


Have you forgotten already?