Are you open?

Have you ever read the best-selling book “Who Moved My Cheese?” I re-read it on Sunday and loved it all over again!“Who Moved My Cheese?” is about 2 mice and two little people who run through a maze to find cheese. Once they found the cheese they enjoyed it, but it didn’t last long. One day the cheese was not in its usual corner of the maze. The book describes the thought process and eventual journey these mice and little people go through to get more cheese. It would seem timely that I read this book now because my family and I moved across the country just 14 months ago. However, I didn’t think it would reveal so much about what I’m going through right now.



What I took away from the book this time is to be open to all new possibilities. When my cheese (my home, my business, and my way of life) moved I tried to find a recipe and cook up my own cheese in my same comfortable place. I wanted much of my life to stay the same. I wanted to do business the way I’ve always done it. Over the past year God has brought new and different opportunities my way but I didn’t see he was getting me used to change. I needed to see that different can be good. When your journey takes a on a new direction, move with it. Don’t complain because things have changed. Embrace change so you and those around you can grow. Be open to the idea that life can be better after your life has shifted. Be open to new ways of doing things because you just might like it!Often my clients are afraid of change. They don’t understand why they must get out and seek new cheese (job, way of managing their money, etc). They want life to remain the same but available debt has run out, the kids are growing older, and retirement looming is around the corner. Some clients are reluctant to get help. Some are uneasy about divulging information. And still others are afraid of what they will find if they do seek out a new financial path. It seems easier to just sit still, mope, and blame someone else for where you are right now. Here’s the deal. If you don’t get up and do something about your situation right now, your cheese will smell. It will rot and no one will want to be around that not even you!

So I ask the question… Are you open to new ideas in your finances? Is it possible that a budget and debt reduction plan will show you exactly what needs to change so you can finally get free? Is it possible that a coach will help you avoid the pitfalls of creating these plans and keep you moving forward faster than you would have on your own? Can you imagine life without financial worries and stress? Are you open to the many ways that it can happen?

I have a challenge for you… If you haven’t read the book, you absolutely must! For every person who reads the book and schedules a Debt-Free Strategy Session with me I will discount my coaching services by 20%! It is time for change and you must be open to it. Are you jumping in with me?



Are you a slacker?


There are things you must know...