You Have Options!

You have options!Are you stuck in a financial rut and feel like there is no way out? Do you wonder how everyone else is making it? Here’s the deal. I know you make good money. You work hard. You have what you need and most of what you want but you are not getting ahead financially. What is the problem here?

For many people, seeing no way out holds them back from ever getting where they want to be. When I sit down and talk with my potential clients for the 1st time during our Debt-Free Breakthrough Session “I see OPTIONS!” And many times you have more options than you think. Here are a few for you to ponder…

1. Increasing your income with a side business or a part-time job. Yes I know this is uncomfortable and a time commitment but in the end it helps you get where you need to be faster.2. Selling something. We all have more stuff than we need. Someone always needs something we have and now is the time to make that connection. Use,, or just have a garage sale! More money in your pocket leads to more peace.3. Does someone owe you money? The government is included in this question. If someone owes you money can you change the terms and increase their payments? Can you adjust your withholdings so you get more in your paycheck if you always get a refund? Why give the government a loan when you need the money right now?4. Do you have a car payment? I know you are grumbling about this right now but car payments suck our futures away. When you are looking for ways to increase you income and decrease your outgo this is the perfect place. Sell your car and get one that you can pay cash for or have a payment for less than 1 year. This is a short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain.5. Can you barter services to get things you need without paying financially? This concept is huge because you can get exactly what you want and need without it affecting your budget.

These are just a few of the options that I see regularly. You may not want to do any of them because they are painful, but I never said they were attractive. I just said they were options. Options prove that there is more than one way to get to your end goal. Now you must choose which one you will commit to and get to work. If you aren’t willing to CHOOSE then I would question… “How bad do you want it?”

If you would like me to consider your personal options book your complimentary Debt-Free Breakthrough Session NOW!


From Scarcity to Abundance!


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