In 2 months, my family and I have managed to save $321 in coupons!  This is not just at the grocery store or for items we will never use.  We shop at the normal places: Fry’s and Safeway, Costco (of course), Macy’s, Justice, Ulta, Lowes, etc.  But the difference is that I almost never walk into these places without a coupon.  So I decided to add up the savings!  So far I am on a roll to save at least $2000 in 2011 on coupons!  My husband is also on board now!  He called me to say that he looked online for a Lowe’s coupon, printed it, and the cashier took it even though it was expired!  He is getting just as excited as I am!  That $10 we saved at Lowe’s can now either be used for something else or saved! I want you to join me!  Watch my video and get excited with me.  Post comments, questions, and your experiences on my facebook fan page and my blog.  Let’s all join in the savings!  Let’s see how much we can all save by simply looking for coupons before we spend our hard-earned money.   This could help you with your savings goal, a vacation you want to take, or get out of debt!

In April, August, and December there will be a drawing for anyone who has participated in this challenge.  You could win free groceries at your favorite grocery store!  I look forward to chatting with you on my fan page or blog!



Count the Cost


Do What The Wealthy Do