Coach, cheerleader, mentor, friend...

A couple weeks ago, I had the honor and pleasure of attending the Ramsey Influencer Event at--you guessed it--the Ramsey HQ in Nashville, Tennessee.

What a perfect day to learn about personal finance and branding from the big man himself!What a perfect day to learn about personal finance and branding from the big man himself!

What a perfect day to learn about personal finance and branding from the big man himself!

One of the sessions that really stuck with me was taught by Chris Hogan, two-time #1 national best-selling author, dynamic speaker and financial expert at Ramsey Solutions. He mentioned that there are four people you need in your life on a regular basis: a coach, a cheerleader, a mentor, and a friend.


Chris Hogan live during the “Influence Redefined” panel at the event

His words got me thinking… because on any given day I can be all of these for my clients! 

Financially, I am their coach, helping to unlock their potential to live their most abundant life. When they win with money, make progress, or accomplish their goals, I’m their cheerleader, celebrating their progress every step of the way. If times get rough, I shift to being a friend, someone who they can rely on for support or even just a sympathetic listener. Finally, when they need encouragement or guidance, I become the mentor.

Are any of these roles missing from your financial life?

If so, let’s talk. Click here to book your free intro call with me. I’d love to hear more about your goals and what support you’re currently missing to reach them!

To your success!



PS - I can’t help but share one more pic with you… look at Chris and I with Dave! What a blast!


What is YOUR dream?


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