10 Reasons You Need a Financial Coach - Part 2

Here are 3 more reasons why you may need a financial coach (If you missed Part 1, be sure to check it out by clicking HERE)3.      You’ve taken Financial Peace University and you still don’t have a budget or debt reduction plan.

Financial Peace University is a phenomenal class.  I’ve personally facilitated more than 12 classes and I believe in the content.  I have also seen many people never do anything with the information and their financial lives remain unchanged.  We don’t want this to simply be good information.  It must transform your entire life!  That will only happen if you actually do what Dave Ramsey says.  A good financial coach will show you exactly how to apply the principles to where you are right now and see results immediately.

4.      You aren’t consistently working a plan.

Life gets busy.  We have careers, families, events, and more.  Finding the time to create a good budget, track your spending, and ultimately reach your goals can be challenging.  When you schedule time to meet with someone you take your finances way more seriously.  You have basically said this is so important that I am willing to do whatever it takes to see change.  Your financial coaching appointment will become as important as your visit to the doctor or your kid’s soccer practice simply because you made a commitment.  This consistency builds in a routine and plans can then succeed.5.      You don’t even know where to begin with budgeting.

I always say that budgeting is not rocket science, but sticking to one can be.  If you don’t work the plan you create with good accountability then you won’t be able to see the results you desire.  You need to see your income and outgo for what it truly is.  You need to have a cash flow plan that tells you when everything is due.  You need to monitor your spending to stay on track.  You also need to be flexible when life happens and adjustments are necessary.  Then there are times you have irregular expenses.  A good budget will help you with all of these situations and more.



10 Reasons You Need a Financial Coach - Part 3


10 Reasons You Need a Financial Coach - Part 1